
Put Your Finger Here

  I've showed other guys how to open up a bottom's hole with the Carlton Butt Clock before, but this particular evening, in two different situations, it occurred to me - "Here. Put your finger inside him, and I'll put my finger on your finger and guide you." Inside of two different hot bottoms. It was a GOOD night.  First - wandering in the maze, I run across this ruggedly handsome, super hairy dude - he's got this salt-and-pepper thing going on where his dark brown beard and body fur is laced with glistening silver hairs. We stand and kind of rub and admire one another in the red glow lights, and we both stroke one another's cocks. His is uncut, too - not quite as long as mine, but almost. I lean down and suck him, and he bucks his hips and grips my skull, a definite good sign that he's gonna be fun to fuck around with. I stand up, and he leans over and gives me as good as I gave him. I ask him back to my room.  He laughs at the towel, but only takes ...

What Does That Spell?

  This entry is still a little jumbled - I'm working on two different drafts, and one of them is just a lift from the text messages I sent one of my pervy friends from the bath house, so that I'd have it written the fuck down and don't forget - because at this point, the fun sometimes is so wild that it's hard to remember all the details. Progress notes really help. I literally make that part of my routine some times - like, before I go and shower, I'll speech-to-text to a friend who enjoys being part of the escapade explanation process... there's a couple, and I kind of share it out so that nobody has to read too much of my noise. The thing is, with dictation, it can get some unlikely autocorrect "helping" with the speech-to-text issues, and it will say something really weird. My regular spoken conversation includes a lot of odd phrasing and unusual words, and I imagine that it's thinking, "Oh, he couldn't POSSIBLY meant autoflagellation,...

The Way to a Man's Heart (is Up His Ass) - part 2 and 3

  (Texts sent to a fellow pervert - one of my alpha readers. That's how this whole thing started - I chat with various friends, sending them the off-the-cuff versions of the stories. Then, some of the time I lift it pretty cleanly from the texts, with minimal editing; sometimes I get caught up in some idea or concept and kind of rhapsodize about it for a bit - but the skeleton of the conversation is pulled from a series of chat windows most of the time.) I have so much I haven't written down. But at least with dropping it in like this, it has some storytelling value... I want to make you go "Ewwww, wow, that's awesome," and I say things that I know will probably turn you (and the "audience you") on... but also tell you a story that almost always has more meaning for me than just the fuck. And there are like four or five posts shuffling around in my head that have that kind of meaningful intensity. I also need to remember to write about Big Jay. Because, ...

The Way to a Man's Heart ( is Up His Ass ) - Part 1

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