World Skinny Dipping Day is a holiday of my people. On both sides. The grew-up-in-the-woods side enjoyed a good all-boys creek hang with the men in the family, and skinny dipping was a part of it, sometimes also a tent, because of COURSE we were all Boy Scouts, and I loved the part of being out in the woods with my Dad and some friends thing, almost as much as I hated always being paired with the severely mentally handicapped kid in a tent, and getting relentlessly bullied by mean guys. The part where my cousin taught me how to stick creek-smoothed rocks up my butt underwater... that has come in handy. And then... I grew up, and got older, and finally started hanging out with the right crowd, and now we get invited to parties with nudist costumes (I kid you not... and they are FABULOUS - several of the key players are art and design and theater people, and the things you can dress up as while still being nearly naked, are many.) My husband is always the creative one wi...