Tryptich with Votive Statue

This entry is skipped one place out of line. The conversation with the same friend immediately before this text, was the portion of text about the gumjob. So that part of the conversation came up and knelt down in front of me this week... and I'm going to just leave this into gossiping-to-gay-pervy-friend fomat, with some interposed video. One of the things I love about the blog forum, is being able to say, "You know what? Today is going to be Haiku Day. Fucking deal. Give me all your breath. Surrender your throat; submit - Let me fuck your soul. It doesn't always have to be exactly the same narrative voice and the same expository formula. It can be stylistic experiments. I can write and have fun and be weird. "And another pervy fascinated idea... but I'll probably have video of this one within a couple of weeks, because it's (a) easy, and (b) I can talk guys into this, I'm sure... "I want you to be the Whitehead gag for me. I want you to hold him...