The Fraternity of Handsfree Daddies, Part 1: And One to Grow On

I get there, and I'm about half an hour after start time - so there are guys in the pool, guys hanging out in the newly-finished kitchen remodel. Our host, Art, is greeting guests, and at the same time, he's working furiously with scissors, putting the finishing touches on an outfit for the Red, White Trash, and Blue party. It's a fun one that he's had several years - people dress up in their favorite version of white trash, and it's suit-optional, so there are some guys in cut-off jean shorts and shredded t-shirts, there are some guys naked in hillbilly hats. One hot strawberry blond has a tight bikini printed to look like blue jeans, and it's a thing of beauty. My buddy Lorenzo is wearing his provocative "Slap Me" suit, and it's only a matter of time for that one. 

Flowers from the garden - Zinnias, antique roses, Cosmos, sunflower, Rudbeckia, Cestrum, kumquat, Cambodian temple jasmine. You know... like you do. I wanted to share a moment of summer floral beauty with Art, who Gets This Shit. 

Art... throws the most amazing parties. We've discussed this - how you provide a certain atmosphere, how you create a space and an energy and curate a crowd, so that there will be fun, and shenanigans, and genuine creative conversations, and you'll have smart people being fun and doing hot sex and discussing matters of import. Lots of this crowd is the same company I see at Dan and Dave's, or at our other pool-party friend; there are many guys who work in various arts, there are medical folks and there are designers and writers. Many of this crowd go to things like art openings for the artists in our group, or plays that somebody we know is in. 

Mexican Queso Fresco, sandwich pepperoni with cream cheese and Genovese basil leaves, dry salami with herbed cream cheese, peppered salami rolled with onion chive cream cheese and crumbled feta. The basil around the tray, and the zatar and mint flowers tucked in around the tub of grape tomatoes and marinated artichoke hearts give off this amazing fragrance, so standing next to it is like a sensory experience that enhances biting into a piece. Not my Grandma's recipe, but lots of herbs fresh from the garden, so there's that. 

I put my two food dishes on the counter in the kitchen - a tray of gluten-free brownies my Husband baked, and another fancy herbs-from-the-garden antipasto tray. Yes, we're those homos. One friend says, "Yeah - we wondered if the thing you posted on the event page was some sort of AI picture of a party tray - but there it is!". It's in good company - there are all kinds of dishes, from roasted jalapeno boats filled with cream cheese and crumbled Cool Ranch Doritos, to homemade cobbler and cookies. 

The thing is... every one of the dishes is delicious. Our people are good cooks. Many of the dishes have family stories, or some special tie to growing up. Some of these are MeeMaw's recipe. I nibble a little, sampling what looks tasty and figuring out which things I can safely eat. I go and check out the bar, filling up my sippy cup with a hard seltzer. I hit my vape pen. I put my bag up against the side of the little guest house where Wes, the Birthday Boy, is living these days. 

Wes is the same guy I spanked bent over the pool table at the Eagle [see also: It Figures.] I've gotten in touch with him in advance to see if he wants a birthday spanking, and precisely what kind of spanking he wants. He's beautiful, and he's conscious of how this kind of thing makes a scene at a party, and I ask if we can video it. I'm delighted when he says yes. So, that's set for some point later in the afternoon. I wander around, saying hi to guys I haven't seen in a while. 

Dan and Dave show up, and one of them says they didn't bring suits, and is it OK to just strip off - I think there's one guy already naked, but there are still mostly suited guys. Once you get penis in the pool, though, it shifts fairly quickly. 

I am talking to this slim, angular ginger boy about how attractive he is, and then about how his skin type tends to arouse my interest (and my dick) because I love how brilliantly they print up... we discuss, and he agrees to a moderately hard slap on one ass cheek. I pull down his suit, baring his remarkably furry and muscularly lean young butt, and lay a hard smack on it. He jumps. We watch as the color and the gooseflesh rise up, and he lets me take some pictures. I love being a novel experience for guys like this. 

Come on, sell that ass, honey... make me think I'm gonna get to fuck you. Arch your back. There you go. And the thing that fascinates me - you can see both the injured joint in my right middle finger, and the tuberosity at the base of my phalanges. Like, not only can you see where the bones ARE in my hand - you can see the shape of the bones. I've made something almost like an x-ray on his skin; my bones have marked his flesh. He's got this stunning pale creamy skin, and although he prints up brilliantly, it diminishes within about twenty minutes to a pale peach colored outline, and then after another half hour, it disappears except for a faint raised welt. I ask him to let me check its progress. We talk about how marks behave differently on different skin. I talk about how I feel like there's almost a magnetic connection between the buttock and the hand that spanks it... and I show him how my hand, heated from spanking his ass, can make him feel the sensation of heat from its passing from an inch away.  More than one friend, has said they get remarkably good trade from Scruff photos of my handprint on a butt cheek.

You can see the shapes of my finger bones. 

Elian is here; he's a hot Latino guy who sat next to me at Figure Drawing night [see also: It Figures], and I start talking with him about some of the fun weird kinky stuff I'm into. He agrees to help me test-run my Fireball shot upgrade - the syringe - I've played with it with my dick using the syringe and water, but I've never had a partner actually take a shot. It's all new for me. And... it ROCKS. It totally works how I wanted; it's just like I pictured. I haven't seen this in any porn stuff. I think it's smoking hot. I do it once without the camera, and you can see my foreskin swell as I push the plunger down, you see it squirting out like piss, you see him swallow the shot, and then swallow and clean my dick. I tell him it feels like a carwash - he gargles a little getting it all off of me. It reduces the burning a lot. And then, wonder of wonders, he agrees to let me get a video of it. I'm chuffed. 

It looks pretty much exactly like I'd hoped it would, and you can see the liqueur squirting out of my puckered foreskin into his waiting mouth, and then fucking it into his throat as he swallows. This works as well as I might have dreamed. We stand up, and we kind of touch and talk. I tell him about all kinds of the things that fascinate me. He's EXTREMELY sensitive in the nipples, and I enjoy playing with them and stroking his milk line. I talk with him about the motion of the subtle energy, and I end up working with the Indian system of chakras... after talking about how the energy moves up, like a lantern insde of tinted filters, illuminating one wheel after another until it reaches the top of the head... I start to rub his groin, and then move up. I need to record this in a voice presentation, because I think it would be awesome to have it to listen to during visualization of this. 

"Start with picturing this growling, thrumming black-red glow, in the base of your nutsack, right against your asshole. It throbs, urgent and sticky. It's where you shit, and where you fuck, and it's base and brutal and not always nice. Squeeze your PC muscle - like you're trying to pinch off a turd, or stop pissing... (rubbing his perineum with a firm hand) and then picture that squeeze moving the light upward. (I rub his belly with  clawed fingers, so that I'm tracing five little erratic circles as I go, massaging his furry body) The belly is orange - it's all about nourishment, and about taking care of your body. The solar plexus is a bright clear yellow, and it's where we express our feelings and speak up loudly. It makes our posture strong and healthy. Then green is the heart... tracing an infinity symbol on his chest, surrounding this space... and that's where we love and care and connect. You move into blue for the throat, where we speak and savor food and, for us, have a second seat of sex... and then the forehead, the third eye, is a vivid, deep purple, thrumming like a tuning fork... until it comes out of the top of your head in a shower of pure white sparks, falling to the ground like rain, then soaking up into your feet in a cycle, the energy like a recirculating fountain. OK. You picture that... as I'm moving my hand up your body... and I'll chew your extremely sensitive nipples one after the other, while I massage your taint with two fingers." I really wish I'd thought to ask someone to video it, because he moans and dances and essentially has an energetic orgasm, and he is vibrating so much that I have to hold on to him with the other hand to keep him steady. I love when guys REALLY take to the energy work. When I am not touching him at all, but rub my hands together to heat them up, and then stroke them across the space adjacent to his belly... he has little twitching spasms. It's like I'm stroking him with a low-voltage live wire. Then, he surprises me by gently stroking my body all over, starting with my chest and extending out to each limb, and talks about how he's stimulating the whole body to get it warmed up and ready for the experience. I remark that we think a lot alike, he and I. We both need a break, and I need to go get more to drink. So we wander. 

I run into Lorenzo, and it's time for his every-time-we-meet spanking. I lean him up against the fence, and Elian records in slow motion as I spank him hard on one ass cheek and then the other. As always, he prints beautifully, and I show off the handprint to the guys gathered around. 

I get back to my bag, take a hit on the vape pen, and find another hot uncut Daddy guy. He introduces himself and I think he says Rigel, but it's Nigel. More than twice already today, I've gotten to explain to guys that I have trouble remembering the same face in two contexts... so if we fucked at a party, I may not recognize you at Black Tie. You're a whole different person, a different data point. One hot guy comes in and obviously knows who I am - and after he sorts it out and explains, we've two-stepped. Well, of course. Once I picture a cute little ball cap and a pair of ass-flattering blue jeans, I'm right there. Hey, that cute boy. 

Nigel and I are both big uncut white dicks. His is a nearly translucent pale pink, with a lovely droopy hood of skin. I do a foreskin shot out of his beautiful big cock, and suck on it quite a bit. My figure drawing buddy spends some time on his knees, sucking Nigel and me back and forth. 

Then, we do some docking. Nigel and I dock really well; for a while, Elian my figure drawing buddy jerks our dicks together. At one point, as this starts, I hadn't realized that the video wasn't taking - I was too focused on getting the skins aligned. The best way to arrange it - pull both skins back, put your knobs together, pull one skin over, and then the other skin over the top. The way they pull apart with a gentle kiss... that's a beautiful thing. 

And sometimes I like to pull out a short moment, turn it into a GIF, or just a really brief video. Because... you just gotta see this shit. 

I check in with Wes the Birthday Boy, and he's not quite ready for his spanking yet, so I wade my way into the pool and enjoy the cooling water. It's not brutally hot today, but it's hot enough that being in the shady part of the pool is favorite, and pretty much everybody is smart about sunscreen. We do too many of these pool parties to want to be out of commission and in pain from a bad burn. I see Cid (@Cidpup) with his fine muscular ass and his big thick pierced dick, sitting on the edge of the pool. 

I hang out with him and his husband for a bit, and then I ask if I can suck his cock. He's eight and a half thick inches, perfectly hung to go right around the corner in my throat, but he's got this MASSIVE Prince Albert piercing - the captive bead has got to be nearly a quarter inch across. It's beautiful gold, and I learn that it's a two gauge. He has been on this amazing fitness journey; he was practically a kid when I fucked him in the throat in the upstairs media room at a pool party in Plano a decade ago, but now he's this big muscular hunk. I'm thinking all this, as I'm swallowing his cock, massaging the head by moving my larynx up and down, making gargling and slurping noises as I work it over. He started out with a half-hard dick, arching out from his hips but still curving downward; as it hardens with my sucking, it shoves open my throat to the point that I feel the ligaments at the back of my throat stretching. I can feel his PA rubbing against my epiglottis, stretching the tendons that hold my voice box in place, and I think: that would be a mortifying trip to the hospital, if I manage to dislodge the captive bead and end up with it in a lung. With this on my brain, and my mouth so full of slimy spit that I'm slurping occasionally when I talk, I unsheath his cock from my throat, and go to get some more drink and some melon pieces to eat.

Finally, it's spanking time. I check in with Wes and figure out how to set it up; I talk guys into letting me use the couch for a minute. I get Lorenzo to hold my camera along with Wes's - and I sit down and lay him across my lap. 

One of the things I've really learned to enjoy, is experimental spanking. Letting somebody dip an ass cheek in, as it were, without signing up for a brutal beating. Guys see the hand print gallery on my Grindr profile, and they think I'm all-one-speed... but that's a separate fetish thing for me. If a guy wants a gentle spanking, I can do a gentle spanking. I calibrate. I've spanked Wes before, and so he's comfortable explaining that he'd like something like a three to four, and spread over the ass cheeks so that no one spot gets too intense. So, I give him the twenty-eight spanks that he's earned so far. When it comes to the One to Grow On, I have Lorenzo push the slow-mo button, and get a beautiful slow motion smack on his pert little ass. I love the fact that not only can you see a shock wave ripple through his muscular body, echoing in my shoulder and my chest and belly - you hear a gunshot-like report, and you see his body arch. If you watch - he flexes like he's trying to stand tall, flinching away from the blow. The pain signal travels from the ass to the spinal column, and you can see the delay before he really feels it in his understanding. It's beautiful to me to see this.

And... that's gonna have to be it for tonight. This event was a LOT of fun, and a huge amount of fuckery... and I need to get to bed. The short synopsis: I spend the next two hours or so taking turns fucking the Birthday Boy stupid, and joining in with multiple other guys to plug him at both ends. Then things move back out to the patio, and there's more and more... so, tired for now, gotta sleep, more later. 


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